American southwest Grand Circle
ーーーTravel of Wildlife Park like Grand Canyon and monument valley etcーーー

 We felt the smell of indigenous people history and cultures concerning the national park that concentrated
on Arizona and Utah state.
The spectacle was a grandeur and a superb view and marvelous.And, it was travel that enjoyed nature.



 One new face joined the usual member.
He take the place of someone's service dog.
K,Suzuki T,Sekiduka M,Suzuki T,Yamamoto H,Niimura K,Niimura 


6/19 15:50 Centrea airport start、transfer at San Francisco、on the same day 12:23 arrived at Las Vegas 
     It'is unnatural arrived before it leaves. The time difference is ー16 hours, and today is 40 hours.
6/20 To the Grand Canyon by way of the Hoover dam.
6/21 Grand Canyon sightseeing                         
6/22 Monument valley sightseeing
6/23 Antelope sightseeing
6/24 Bryce Canyon sightseeing
6/25 Zion Canyon sightseeing
6/26 Desth Valley sightseeing
6/27 Lasbegas sightseeing
6/28 06:40 Las Vegas start,transfer at San Francisco 
6/29 14:15 arrived at Centrea airport start、today is 8 hours according to the date change ?

 Best season       Maybe May.It was already the heat at the midsummer level in June.
 Route 6 6      It is interesting "ROUTE 66" in 150Km from King Man when run from Las Vegas to Grand Canyon.
              'Selling Man' and 'Williams' can enjoy remains the emotion in the development age.
 Motel          A lot of motels are around the sightseeing spot.
              The place with the refrigerator is few though the bus rest room air conditioner has been equipped.
 Sake prohibition   I do not know whether the penalty is taken. But we were warned from the resident in Utah state.
 Death Valley     In midsummer,the car cuts the air conditioner and is a light load. The engine stop becomes fatal.
              An important thing is a check of the car and enough water. Nakedness is an origin of the burn.
 Squirrel        When food is given to the squirrel, it is the penalty 100 dollars.  